
When you choose to log out, you take an essential step in safeguarding your account and sensitive information.

By terminating your active session, you prevent unauthorized access from anyone who might use your device or browser after you as logging out is an act of privacy-consciousness. It ensures that your account activity, messages, and personal data are kept confidential, limiting the risk of unintended exposure.

How to Use the Logout Feature:

  1. Simply locate the "Logout" option from the dropdown at the top of the dashboard, beneath the staff arena feature.

  2. Click or tap on "Logout," and the system will automatically terminate your current session.

  3. After logging out, you'll be redirected to the login page, where you can safely exit the platform or log in again if needed.

Remember, the "Logout Feature" isn't just about exiting the system; it's a responsible action that ensures your data remains secure and your privacy is respected. By using this feature, you actively contribute to a safer and more confidential online experience.

Last updated